Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hailee's Camo

Jimmy has a lot of different hobbies and likes to do different things. One thing that he likes to do is go to different show at the South Towne Expo depending on what show it is. Well, one that he usually goes to is the gun show. It had kinda been a tradition for him since we have dated, maybe even before that, I am not sure. He would usually go with his Dad and brothers, but now that his Dad moved to Idaho, he finds other to go with him. If not, he knows just about everyone there.
Anyways, when I found out that I was pregnant, we didn't know if Hailee was a boy of a girl yet. This one guy there who sells camo clothing and stuff had some baby camo onesies. So Jimmy came home and he had bought one of each, a boy and a girl one. He was so excited and couldn't wait to put it on her. Now it finally fits her and she looks so cute!!! What a great job he did picking out cute things for Hailee.

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