Tuesday, April 28, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Hailee went for her 18 month checkup today, she is almost 20 months old. The doctor told me that I didn't need to get her in for this appointment till April, so I am not a bad mommy for not taking her sooner. She is still in the 25% for her height and weight. She is up from 20lbs to just shy of 23lbs by an ounce. She has grown to be 32 1/2 inches. Her head has moved to the 80% from 75%. She is one smart girl. The doctor has said that by her next appointment she should be able to say 20 words and follow commands. She says more than 20 words, she repeats just about everything you say, she may not say it perfect, but I can tell what she says and most know what she is saying. She follows commands pretty well. You ask her or tell her to do something and she says "k". Her new thing is to tell us " no way". I can't believe that she is as old as she is, but she is fun and entertaining at times. Gotta love my sweet baby!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hailee's Balloon

Friday, April 24, 2009

Zoo/Baby Einstein

Hailee hasn't really been into watching TV much till now. She loves the Baby Einstein DVD's, the ones that have all the animals. Just about every minute she tells us she wants the animals, meaning the Baby Noah, when she use to watch it she would repeat what they were saying, now she can say all the animals before they say it. She also is into E-I-O, meaning Old McDonald. She loves to watch the part when the song comes on and watch the farm animals.
*Hailee laying on the floor watching Einstein, she has to have a pillow and sometimes a blanket*

She is talking so well and can say a lot of words, and we have to watch what we say cause she repeats everything, or at leasts tries to. She likes to copy the puppet animals on the DVD's too and imitates them. It is entertaining to watch her watch them. So since she loves animals, I thought we could go to the zoo today, what a great day to go. It wasn't cold or hot, just right and there weren't a ton of people there. It was nice. She would look at the animals and say what they were, but as soon as they moved closer to us or just move, Hailee would grab me and say byebye. She loved the elephants and giraffes. She liked the gorillas, until it came to the window. She started to walk backwards away from them till she walked into me and then stood there.
*Hailee on the train*

We went for a train ride and she wasn't too sure about it until it moved and she didn't want to get off.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fun Day

We went to lunch at the mall and decided to look at a few shops. We went in at the food court. Hailee saw the carousel, stopped in between the doors, and started to say " no no no". I went to pick her up and started to walk through the door and Hailee freaked out. She didn't not want anything to do with the carousel or be near it. We went and got our food and sat down. Hailee kept looking down toward the carousel and the turn her head and take a look again. I didn't know that she was so scared of it. We went to the stores we wanted to look in and my niece wanted to go on the horses. I took Hailee on the carousel and she did fine with me holding her, as soon as I tried to put her on a horse she freaked out. So we ended up sitting on the seat and went round and round. She liked to sit there. She would tell me "sit" and then a little whispered "wee" came out.

*Hailee on the carousel*

After the shopping and carousel adventure, we went to my cousin's bridal shower. Hailee played with some cousins and we chatted with family.

*Hailee jumping on the trampoline at my aunts house for my cousins shower*

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

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Easter was a lot of fun this year. We had an Easter egg hunt at my mom's and had dinner. The girls dyed eggs. Hailee's egg didn't work too well. Hailee was more interested in the swings than finding all the toys and eggs. Easter morning the Easter bunny had left Hailee's basket on the table. When she came down she saw it and wanted to see everything inside. The first thing she wanted was the candy. She found a piece that she could open and ate it. She likes to hold Barbies like dolls and loves to carry them around, so the Easter bunny left her her first Barbie. We made a yummy breakfast with eggs, hashbrowns, toast and yummy warm cinnamon rolls.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

E- I- O

Hailee's new favorite song to sing. She has been watching Baby Einstein Noah and she likes to watch the animals. I just got the Farm one and she was watching and the Old McDonald song came on and she had to watch the animal and listen to the song over and over. She could care less about the rest of the movie. She loves animals!!