Sunday, March 2, 2008

New discoveries

I have been wanting to catch Hailee rolling on camera and I finally did, a week later. Last week she did roll, but now she has the hang of it. When you put her on her tummy, she rolls almost instantly.

She is so funny, she thinks that it is so cool that she can roll. She discovered that she doesn't have to stay on her tummy when we put her there.

She has for a long time now lifted her legs and grabs onto her feet. I don't think that she really knew what they were, she would just hold onto them. Well today is a lot of first I guess, cause she grabbed her feet and then saw that there was something there and guess where it went? Of course where everything else goes into her mouth.

1 comment:

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

So Cute! Go Hailee...the sky is the limit now. Funny, I think we will have to get the kids little gun holsters to go with the camo outfits so they can go out with thier dads! Tell JImmy thanks a lot for bringing my hubby into the world of guns and gun shows. :) We still love ya'll though. See you tomorrow.