Monday, January 28, 2008

Hailee's friends

I have a ton of pictures that needs scrapbooking. I will make a few pages and then my ideas run out and then I don't scrapbook for a while. I had some time yesterday and made a few pages. I was looking online for ideas to help get my ideas flowing and I stummbled upon I wrote down the website and just today was able to see what you could actually do with it. I know that I already have most of these pics on here, but I thought that this was way cute and wanted to see how it would work out, so here it is.Click to play FriendsCreate your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox I just was looking on my blog and it just doesn't play automatically like the other slideshows, you have to click on the play and then it pulls up another window to view it, that is the only thing that I don't like, other than that, it turned out cute!!!

1 comment:

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Wahoo jen for finding another fun site! I am gonna check that one out! Hailee is so cute FYI!