Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hailee's favorite toys

Everything that Hailee can get her hands on goes right to her mouth. I know that it is normal for babies to do that. So now that she likes to hold on to things, we would give her toys that she could hold and play with. Her rattles and other toys that she has are hard and she puts them up to her mouth and try and eat them and usually she would end up hitting herself with the toy or she has a hard time to hold on to them for a long time. One day I was at my favorite kids store, Carter's, and they had some finger puppets. They are soo cute. I bought her two of them and gave them to her and she absolutly loves these toys. She can hold on to the really well and they are soft so she can keep a good grasp on them.
They have became her favorite toys. Today I had to exchange some items to Carter's and well she received 2 more finger puppets as a gift. They have so many different ones and since she loves them, I like to have them and when she gets older she can still play with them.

1 comment:

The Carter's said...

So when you going to come over for a playdate??