Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hailee's great babysitter

My friend Angela has been watching Hailee for us since we both have to work right now, I am so greatful that she was so willing to do so. She is so great with her and I know that she is getting the attention and love that I would give her. I am starting to be ok with dropping her off and doing what I need to so that I can come home and see Hailee. Hailee loves being with Angela and her family. She gets so excited when she sees Andrew and she loves Angela. Lately it takes a few minutes for Hailee to warm up to people before she acts like herself and not grab me or cry, she goes right to Angela and starts to wave bye to me. Angela even gives her great treats too!!! Hailee loves icecream!!! Thanks Ang!!!


Bobbi Lee said...

It's so great that you have someone you trust to watch Hailee. I'm excited to see you guys - take care!

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Ahhh you are too sweet Jen! Its can you not love watching her..she is a good girl, especially since she likes ice cream. You are a nice mommy not to get mad at the babysitter for giving her ice cream. :)