Friday, June 13, 2008

Little Sleeper

Hailee woke up early this morning and woke me up cause she was laughing, I don't know at what though. She has been thinking that its funny lately to laugh at herself and will just ramdomly laugh. Anyhow, I gave her a bottle and turned on her music to let her fall back to sleep, cause I know she was still tired and so was I. I went in after a few minutes to check on her and this is how she fell asleep. She must have been practicing her crawling stance and gave out on her arms to sleep. Well at least she went back to sleep, I was pretty much awake after, so I blogged, even though I could be doing ten other things.

1 comment:

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

She is funny! Oh Hailee. Andrew woke me up last night screaming..he did that all night..very annoying. Tired is a great word to describe me!! :) See you soon.