Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween. Friday night we went to my brother's house to their trunk or treat. Hailee was a little hesitant at first, but when she figured out that when you say "Trick or Treat" someone give you a treat for your bucket, it didn't take long to get the hang of it. On Sat. we went to my mom's house and had mummy dogs and caramel apples. We then went trick or treating in my mom's neighborhood, Hailee was unsure if she wanted to go to the door, but just like before, she caught on. Her first sucker she wanted it opened to eat it, I had to hide it from her cause she kept stopping and pulling it out and wanted to eat it. I think that Hailee's most favorite part was seeing her cousins. She loves to be with them and follow the older ones around.
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1 comment:

Bobbi Lee said...

I bet she's been wearing that skirt around ever since. Too cute!