Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our "Zoo"rific Trip

My friend Angela asked if we would like to go to the Zoo today. I have always wanted to go and take Hailee. It has been in forever since I went to the Zoo. We had so much fun. Thanks for the invite!!!

I don't think that Hailee knew what was going on and what we were looking at, she just loved being outside and riding in her stroller.


*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

So Cute! Seriously..trips are always more fun with you guys around. Thanks for spending your afternoon with us. Hope you enjoyed your party. Man Andrew went to sleep at 3 and didnt wake up until 6..he was exhausted!!!

Lori Romney said...

i haven't been to the zoo in forever! it looks so much more fun with a baby. :)

Lori Romney said...

oh my gosh that would be awesome!!!! my appointment is june 18th and i will be 18 weeks then, so when is the soonest you can even tell? i have no idea??