Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hailee's latest adventures

Hailee has had her first ever ear infection, but after she got some medicine in her she was back to her old self running around and wanting to play. On our way home one day from the meeting Jimmy at the school, we stopped to play at a different park than the one by our house. This park was full of slides, no swings. Hailee will not do anything else but swing if there are swings. She was afraid at first to go down the tube slide, but the got enough courage to finally go down. After that she was hooked.
We bought a jogging stroller since I have been wanting to run outside, but with the crazy schedules it's hard to run on the treadmill and keep Hailee busy or she wants to walk and not ride in the other strollers. So me and my mom decided that we should walk together on the days that Jimmy has school, since she has a nice big park with a track behind her house. So we went to visit my mom and it ended up that Hailee wanted to swing. We got her off the swings and she wanted to help with the water. She of course ended up completely soaked, good thing it was warm outside.
Playing in the water.
Taking a drink from the hose.
Such a big helper, of course she had to do it herself without anyone helping her.

1 comment:

Bobbi Lee said...

I love her hair as she was going down the slide!