Monday, March 9, 2009

8 Years

Today Jimmy and I have been married for eight years. If you really think about it, eight years seems like a long time, but it hasn't seemed like it has been 8 years. Life together is at times a challenge, but in the long run it always is fun.
We have done many great things together from vacations to just hanging out together. We like to do a lot of the same things and I think that is why we have so much fun together. I didn't think that I would ever fish, but one year I remember going fishing almost every weekend. Getting up early and heading to the lake to fish. There are some pretty funny stories about our fishing trips. Jimmy likes to stay active. In the summer, we like to go hiking and up to Silver Lake to walk around. There are some crazy things that Jimmy has done that I thought to myself "he is going to kill himself", but in the end he is alive and now it's funny. I think that is the best part, even though we don't think something is funny at first, we always end up laughing about it. We have gone on some road trips when it was just the two of us.
We have been to Portland, OR many times, I love it there. I have been able to see the great person that he is and the love of the gospel in his life. I have had the opprotunity while we were dating and when we were married to see him work as a missionary. He loves the work. I also was able to witness a couple that he taught on his mission go through the temple, what a great blessing to be able to share in the joy. Now as life continues on, I can only think of the new adventures we will have together.
We have been blessed with a great daughter and can't wait to take her in the great adventures we take. I have the greatest husband ever!!

1 comment:

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Ah...Happy Anniversary. I was waiting for the babysitting call so ya'll could go out. Hope you enjoyed your day.