Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long Over Due

Nothing much really happens during the winter, except our hibernation. So there really isn't anything to update. We just stay pretty busy during the week and have some fun on the weekends. President's Day I went with my mom to The Wood Connection, love that place!! I got a couple of projects, these are half done, I just need to finish them, just need to get a few more things to get them done. I will have to update the pics when I have them completed!!
I have a St. Patrick's things to paint that I haven't started. I think that most of my free time during the winter is spent making new decor for my home, which isn't a bad way to spend some time.
It was fun to watch Hailee paint her own wood projects, she made sure that she painted every inch on the block.

1 comment:

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

oh jen, i wish i had your talents!