So I haven't posted in a long time, but here is the run down of what has been going on. Hailee had her 15 month doc appointment, all went well with the exception of her height and weight. The doctor isn't too sure about how tiny she is. I think that she is fine. I wasn't the tallest person growing up anyways. She is in the clothes size she is suppose to be in. We recently went to Kangaroo Zoo with Ang and Andrew, which was way fun.
Hailee didn't like to play until I took her on the side and then she was hooked. We have seen a couple of movies, Jimmy and I went with my family to dinner and then to see Mall Cop, without the kids. It was fun to be with my family. Hailee had her pics done.
I just thought one day I wanted to have them done. They turned out pretty good. I don't have a scanner, so I made them look as good as I could so everyone could see them. I was a little nervous about having them done. I wasn't sure what she would do, she did really well and then decided that she just didn't want to play anymore.
She loved the little stool they had and it was a must for her to sit on. She just wanted to stool to take with her. I went with Ang to see "He's just not into you" I think thats the title. I liked it, I would probably rent it and watch it again. Other than that, we have been staying busy with work, callings and just hanging out as a family. Life is good!!
Hailee just hanging out before bed. She like to cover herself with the blanket and lay down and pretend she is sleeping. I did it once and she copied me and now does it all the time. She is a silly girl.