Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hailee's First Set of Stitches

So we were out with some friends at dinner, Hailee was leaning against her chair and it slid away from her and she hit her head on the chair. We thought that she was fine and tried to calm her down from crying when I looked at her and her head was bleeding.

We were lucky to have our dinner over, so we went to pay for dinner and take a look outside in the light. Hailee was more worried about the free sucker she gets when dinner was over than her head bleeding. We looked at it more and decided that she would need stitches. So of course we were down south away from home and so we went to the insta care, they were going to put stitches in and then decided they didn't want to do them there, so we had to go to another insta care. When we got there, they looked at her and said that they would have to do staples.

Hailee was so brave and didn't even cry when they were getting everything ready for the them to get put in. She was still nervous and scared. They got her head all numbed and then put the staples in pretty quick

Hailee was so proud to show everyone that she had staples in her head. She did so awesome!!

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