Thursday, June 3, 2010

Few New Pics

We have been staying busy this last month with just daily life. We planted our garden and we are going to try something new, artichoke, we will see how that works out. Hailee is loving the warmer weather so that she can play outside. She has a couple of new friends that live on our street, but they are all older, 1st grade"ish". She loves to talk to them and everytime we go outside to do anything she has to look for them and tells me "I have to say hi to my friends". She likes to ride scooters with them and follow them everywhere, which they don't mind and actually come over and ask if she can come outside to play. Hailee is in love with the park, I don't know any two year old that isn't.

Hailee has been asking for sunglasses since the sun is always in her eyes in the car. We found some with her favorite charaters on them, Dora, Kai-Lan, Princesses, and she choose Kai-Lan. She tells people Ni-Hoa, that is how Kai-Lan says hi in chinese. She likes to role play, she has lately been telling me that she is Kai-Lan and I am Rintoo, or she is Dora and I am Boots.

One Friday Night we went with my neice, Alyssa, to her school carnival. We put Hailee on the swings that go around in a circle, thinking that she would stay on them since she likes to swing. Nope, she got in the swing and was fine and all of a sudden she freaked out and HAD to get out of there quick, then tells me that it is scary. She didn't like the blow up slides either. She has been so afraid of everything lately. I am not sure why either, hopefully it is a stage that she is going through. So at the carnival she played games and more games. She said that she liked them better and it wasn't scary. She did really well at the games, she won lots of little toys, which she loved. The funny thing was on a hard game that I didn't think that she could do since it was for older kids, she won the highest prize, a radio with headphones. She loved it. She also loved that she got a HUGE cotton candy, I love this pic of her face after she had eaten her cotton candy.

So that is what has been going on lately, not a lot, but always fun to spend time together!!

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