Friday, October 3, 2008

Horse rides/Gardner Village again

I had today off, Wahoo!! We had a really busy week and my boss was very nice to let us all have today off!! So we tried Gardner Village again. This time Hailee seemed to be a little more happy. I put her on the pony ride.

At first she wasn't too sure but towards the end she liked it.
They had a lot of ducks there. Hailee was trying to touch them. There is a little hill down to the water and Hailee decided to go down there and would turn around and slide down on her belly like she was going down the stairs. So funny!!
She even cooperated getting more pictures done!!

It was a nice cool day to walk around.

1 comment:

Bobbi Lee said...

So cute! Love all the pictures - she was definitely more smiley the second time around. What a nice surprise to have the day off.